Nighttime Industries Summit

The Night Time Economy Summit (NTES) is an event organized by the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA), focusing on the nightlife sector. The next summit will be held on February 5-6, 2025, in Birmingham. This event gathers professionals and stakeholders from various industries involved in the night-time economy to discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities. It…

Brexit fears for West Midlands music industry unveiled

Published in the Birmingham Press – 29 October 2019 A significant drop in music tourism and an exodus of firms vital to the local infrastructure are amongst a number of Brexit-related concerns voiced by Birmingham’s music industries sector, according to a new report available to read here. The Birmingham Live Music Project report, authored by…

Brexit drop in music tourism could cost the UK economy hundreds of millions

a significant drop in music tourism and an exodus of firms vital to infrastructure are amongst a number of Brexit-related concerns voiced by the music industries sector.

A post-Brexit drop in music tourism will cost the UK “hundreds of millions”

Reported in NME 29th Oct 2019 Britain’s departure from the EU will have disastrous consequences for the music tourism industry, according to a new report ‘The Birmingham Live Music Project’ – produced by researchers at Aston University, Birmingham City University and Newcastle University – revealed a number of concerns from UK industry figures, voiced at a…