Florence live music map

Organisation: University of Pavia

Date launched: November 2024

Visit Map

Data collection for the Florence Live Music Venue Map took place between September 2023 and February 2024. The LMMP Florence dataset currently includes 265 venues located throughout the metropolitan area, some of which are located outside the municipal boundaries but are still considered part of the local live music ecosystem.

Dividing the city into its administrative districts reveals that 61% of the venues are located in the district containing the historic center, which alone accounts for 43% of the total number of venues. The other mainly residential districts account for the remaining 39%. Notably, 18% of these venues are in the largest district, where most of the city’s services, including major hospitals, university campuses, and numerous social and recreational facilities are located. Florence is one of the most visited cities in Italy by tourists, and this is reflected in the distribution of venue categories across different areas.The historic center is dominated by bars and pubs with music, as well as small nightclubs. On the other hand, venues categorized as social and student-oriented are spread across other parts of the city. The “social-student” category is the most represented within Florence’s music ecosystem, accounting for 48% of the total number of venues.

The map also highlights numerous venues used for festivals, cultural events, and musical initiatives organized by the municipality. Another notable venue within the urban musical ecosystem is the Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, an important institution in the classical music scene, which inaugurated its new theater in 2011 and it has been completed in 2021. This venue will include the main theater, an auditorium for the symphonic season, and an open-air cavea for summer events.

The mapping process is ongoing, evolving with the musical landscape of Florence, with the aim of better understanding and supporting its development.