Prof Paul Carr

University of South Wales
Professor Paul Carr


Prof Paul Carr | Professor in Popular Music Analysis/Athro mewn Dadansoddi Cerddoriaeth Boblogaidd | Faculty of Business and Creative Industries/Cyfadran Busnes a Diwydiannau Creadigol | University of South Wales/Prifysgol De Cymru |

Paul Carr is Professor in Popular Music Analysis at the University of South Wales. His research interests focus on musicology, the music industry and pedagogical frameworks for music education. Examples of his most recent books include a monograph on Sting (2017) and an edited collection on Rock Music for Bloomsbury (Alongside Allan Moore, 2021).

A veteran of editing academic collections, he recently edited a ‘double edition’ on the impacts of covid-19 on the music industries, published in the Journal of World Popular Music in 2022. He is also an experienced performing musician, having toured and recorded with artists as diverse as The James Taylor Quartet and ex Miles Davis saxophonist Bob Berg.

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